My New Stuff Page












What's New

About this Page

Hi, this is my page to just bung anything new I have got either recorded, scanned or am sorting out.. lol.. so I can show off to all my friends, when I can't wait to put it onto a site (or can't be bothered.. lol)


Wellll, now I have the bug!!!!.. the Compression bug that is.. hehe, and ever since I got my Sound Recording Equipment I have been making Midis, Wav Files, MP3's. So I will include one on here and keep changing it, all these are my favourite songs.

More New Stuff.. Scanned Images

Guess who this picture is of?.. and I thought it was pretty darn cute, so I decided to put it up here.. lol

Future Stuff

I have a few new photos of Jenn and Deb to put up here and also some of myself.. also new Midi's, Wavs and mabe some video clips when I figure out how to compress them too.. lol

The Ending Comments...

Please bookmark this page as I will be constantly changing it and adding new stuff.. make sure you save all you want off here, because next time you look it may have been removed.. lol. If it has been removed and you want it.. please email me at:

And I will gladly send it to you..